NCN (Karaoke Format)

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NCN is a karaoke file format used by the Thai karaoke player Nick Karaoke. It is a collection of 3 files: a MIDI, a plaintext lyrics file, and a binary cursor containing a list of 16-bit unsigned integers.


Lyrics (.lyr)

The first 4 lines of the lyrics file is metadata, including the title, artist, and key. The fourth line is used as a delimiter.



Each character after the fourth line will be scrolled according to the MIDI ticks in the cursor file

Cursor file (.cur)

The cursor file contains a list of 16-bit unsigned integers indicating when each character will be scrolled to the song. The entire MIDI song is split into 65535 ticks. The formula for figuring out the current NCN tick is as follows:


A standard MIDI file, that accompanies the lyrics and the cursor file.