Discord Moderation Guide

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DisNCord uses a large set of moderation tools, and guidelines to ease the burden of server administration. The intent is to make moderation quick and easy to review, while still being able to handle large scale raids and other server events are handled. At the moment, this document only covers the Discord server, but should probably be expanded in time to cover YouTube, Fediverse, and this wiki.


Moderator Permissions

Volunteers and Active Users


Channel/Project Manager

Server Moderator

Bot Wrangler

Server Administrator






Moderators on DisNCord can take various actions in regards to tickets and incidents. Actions, unless noted, should be done through either Tickets or YAGPDB as is necessary.


Sometimes a ticket comes in, or a borderline action is witnessed, that warrants an official comment from a moderator, but doesn't reach the point that an actual warning should be raised.

In these cases, a ticket should be opened by the moderator, and pull in any relevant offending users. If a moderator is acting on another ticket, the reporter should not be pulled in. Exposing a reporter of an issue opens them up to retaliation; a moderator speaking in a ticket is speaking on behalf of the server. Any relevant conversation should be held, and then the moderator should close ticket should be closed with a comment explaining why no action was taken. The log will be saved.

These actions represent "we talked to someone about X", and will essentially be forgotten if the issue doesn't come up again



