Currently, NCommander is rebuilding the full Debian archive. This page keeps track of notable events and a log of how long everything went
- Hardware Specifications
- Dell R810
- 80 cores (4 CPUs x 10 cores)
- 512GB RAM
- 5.2 TB - RAID0 SSD 6x980GB drives)
- OS Rocky Linux 9.5
- Hypervisor: VirtualBox 7.0 (supporting Solaris Intel, NT 3.x/4.0 VMs, and other legacy x86 operating systems)
- Virtual Machines
- Debian 12.8
- 16 CPUs/ 32 GB RAM
- meridian: 2TB disk
- meridian2-5: 256GB disk
- December 17, 2024
- Build Starters with 514 packages on amd64, and 573 packages for arch all
- Accidently broke the environment by somehow unmounting or overshadowing /dev/pts built in
- Build Starters with 514 packages on amd64, and 573 packages for arch all
- December 18, 2024
- 41 packages down (forgot to write exact number)
- Most of the day spent building acl2
- December 19, 2024:
- Uploaded: 59 (amd64) 109 (all)
- Packages Given-Back (was stuck in building state)
- misc/389-ds-base_2.3.1+dfsg1-1 by buildd_all_1 [optional::calprio{0}:days{1}]
- misc/1oom_1.0-2 by buildd_amd64_1 [optional:uncompiled:calprio{20}:days{1}]
- Spun up meridian2,3,4 as new buildds for both amd64 and all